emergency contraceptive pill
Graffixofeden Adult Emergency Contraceptive Pill: Everything You Need to Know

Emergency Contraceptive Pill: Everything You Need to Know

emergency contraceptive pill

Know everything you need to know about pills? Are you sure? You think so, but here are five minutes that can make your life a lot easier and hassle-free. And also: all about the danger of combining taking pills and hypercoagulability

There is a very wide variety of emergency contraceptive pill. The pills differ from each other in the hormonal composition, in the doses of the hormones in each pill, and also in the way they are taken.
There are birth control pills that are taken for 21 days and then stopped for a week (during periods )there are pills that are taken continuously without a break, and there are pills that are taken for a longer period. Some pills are identical in their chemical components but differ only in their trade name.
How does the birth control pill work?

The birth control pill contains two hormones that prevent pregnancy in several ways at the same time: The main mechanism is the prevention of ovulation, which prevents pregnancy. In addition, the pills cause the lining of the uterus to degenerate and thus prevent the fetus from being absorbed and also cause the cervical mucus to change so that the sperm cells have difficulty passing through it on their way to the egg.

The birth control pill is among the most effective means of contraception. However, like any drug the pill also has failures, but they are very rare.
Various hormones, as well as pills – increase the tendency for hypercoagulability. For those who do not have risk factors for hypercoagulability, this does not mean much. But when there is a genetic predisposition, with or without other environmental factors (for example the combination of smoking and old age increases the tendency to hypercoagulability) the pills can cause a blood clot to form.

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